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What is BooksNotes?

BooksNotes is a highly effective tool for creating and managing reading journals. This section provides an overview and key features of the app.

Overview of BooksNotes

BooksNotes is a reading journal app available for both iPhone and Android devices. With this app, you can easily import highlights from the Kindle app and organize them into clear, concise reading journals. It’s an ideal tool for busy individuals who want to keep effective reading notes while saving time.

Features of BooksNotes

  1. Multi-Platform Support:
    • BooksNotes is available for both iPhone and Android. It can be used for free by anyone.
  2. Easy Highlight Import:
    • Easily import highlighted sections from the Kindle app into BooksNotes. This feature allows you to effortlessly reflect points of interest from your reading into your notes, helping you organize important information without hassle.
  3. WYSIWYG Editor:
    • BooksNotes comes with a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, allowing you to create easy-to-understand notes intuitively. You can easily modify text decorations and layouts to create visually appealing notes.
  4. Free Memo Addition:
    • In addition to importing highlights, you can freely add your own memos and action plans. This allows you to turn the knowledge and ideas gained from your reading into concrete action plans, promoting practical application in your daily life.
  5. User-Friendly Interface:
    • The app features a simple and easy-to-use interface. Even first-time users can intuitively operate it and quickly start creating effective reading journals.


BooksNotes is a powerful tool for streamlining the creation and management of reading journals. Available on both iPhone and Android, it includes features like Kindle highlight import and a WYSIWYG editor, making it accessible to everyone. Additionally, with the ability to freely add notes and its user-friendly interface, BooksNotes offers various convenient features. By leveraging these features, you can effectively use your reading journals and enhance your reading experience.

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